If you are running Airmail with one of the SCS PTC-II multimode digital controllers then you are about a minute from being on PSK31. Using the PTC-II and a basic terminal program will be "bare-bones" but will work well enough to see if you like the mode.

The following assumes that you have a working Winlink/Airmail setup using a SCS PTC-II mdc :


  • HyperTerm (comes with Windows) is better than Dumb Terminal (comes with Airmail).
  • There are programs that support the PTC-II in modes such as PSK31. I tried Alpha and Simple, but wasn't impressed with either. I like PA0NC's NcWinPtc better.
  • To specify a net frequency for PSK31, state the center frequency. Which sideband you use (USB or LSB) doesn't make any difference; e.g. 7070.000 USB with a 1,120 Hz trace is better stated as 7071.120 center frequency.
  • If you have to remove the PTC to radio connection to eliminate distortion when talking on SSB you have RF getting into the mdc and you need to fix it.
  • If not already done, set the power out to a nice low level (10-25 watts) . ( Return to the cmd: prompt and use FSKA- My 706 likes FSKA 125 for 10 watts out.). Setting the PSK31 power this way has the advantage of not requiring a reset when you return to voice.
  • See the PSK31 chapter in the SCS book for the rest of the commands you could use. Ctl-N is useful to turn off frequency tracking in a "Net" environment. Be careful with Ctl-B because it can switch you out of the BPSK mode.
  • You can change the center frequency set point of the PTC using TONES 2. (Center freq = (MARK+SPACE)/2 . I have mine set for 600 hz so I can use the narrow IF filter in my IC-706.)
  • Most PSK31 users use a software-soundcard implementation. To do this, you will need one of the programs (Digipan, Mixw, etc) and a hardware computer:rig interface (Rascal, Tigertronics, etc). These are not needed to test the waters with the PTC-II- your Winlink setup will work.

    Here are some other modes that you can try with the same PTC-II setup you use for Winlink:

    de w4avo 2/07/06