Promise was anchored West of Thomas Cay, Pipe Creek, Exumas. It was too rough to go diving, I was caught up on my e-mail, and the boat was more-or-less clean. It was play time with the satellite communication toys. I finally got the up doppler, down doppler, split, and CTCSS tone right and was able access the 70 cm (435 Mhz) voice repeater on MIR. In an early evening pass I had a couple of very short contacts with hams in the US and went to my bunk with a feeling of accomplishment. The best was yet to come. About 2:30 am, I got up to check the anchor and switched on the computer to see what satellites were up. MIR was just overhead, heading South, so I 'kerchunked' it and it came back "RRØDL repeater" in its computer voice. I ID'ed 'W4AVO/C6A' and was about to shut down when a loud, very accented, voice said "QRZ, what station please?". I gave my call again and received the reply: "This is RØMIR, aboard the Space Station Mir". Valeri and I had a nice short chat but too soon it was "Do svidaniya, George" and he was gone over the hill.